Examples of Percentages

In this class, We discuss Examples of Percentages.

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The reader should have prior knowledge of the basics of percentages. Click Here.

Example 1:

2 is what percent of 50?


2 grams

50 grams

First, we understand the basic concept.

Fifty grams divided into hundred equal parts.

Each part is 0.5 grams.

0.5 * 4 = 2, so 2 is 4 percent of 50.

4% converted to a fraction.

4/100 = 2/50

2 is what percent of 50?

We write it as 2/50.

2/50 is a fraction representation of the percentage.

2/50 * 100 is a way to represent fractions to percentages.

2/50 * 100 = 4%

Example 2:

1/2 is what percent of 1/3?


(1/2)/(1/3) * 100 = 3/2*100 = 150%

Important: percentage value can be above 100.


If a person’s salary is 1000rs.

The salary increased to 5000rs.

There is an increase of 400% in salary.

Example 3:

What percent of 6.5 liters are 130 milliliters?


6.5 liters convert to milliliters = 6.5 * 1000

(130/(6.5*1000))*100 = 2%

Example 4:

? % of 25 = 2.125


x% of 25 = (x/100)*25 = 2.125

x = 8.5%

Example 5:

The sales tax is reduced from 3 1/2% to 3 1/3%. What difference does it make to a person who purchases a book of Rs 8400?


(3 1/2% of 8400) – (3 1/3% of 8400)

(7/2% of 8400) – (10/3% of 8400)

((7/2)/100 * 8400) – ((10/3) * 8400)

= Rs 14