Profit and Loss Formulae and Examples

In this class, We discuss Profit and Loss Formulae and Examples.

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The reader should have prior knowledge of percentages. Click Here.

Cost Price: The Price at which an article is purchased or manufactured is called the cost price.

Selling Price: The Price at which the article sold is called the selling Price.

Gain: if SP > CP then gain = SP – CP

Loss: if CP > SP then Loss = CP – SP

Gain Percentage = (Gain/CP) * 100

Loss Percentage = (Loss/CP) * 100

Example: A man buys an article for Rs 27.50 and sells it for Rs 28.60.

Find the gain percent.


Gain = SP – CP

Gain = 28.60 – 27.50

= 1.10

Gain percent = (1.10/27.50) * 100 = 4%

The selling price given gain percentage

If an article sells at a gain of 35%, then the selling price = 135% of CP

SP = (135/100)* CP

SP = ((100+35)/100)* CP

SP = ((100 + Gain%)/100 * CP

Selling Price given Loss Percentage

If an article sells at a loss of 35%, the SP = 65% of CP

SP = (65/100) * CP

SP = ((100-35)/100)* CP

SP = ((100-Loss%)/100)*CP

Similarly, we can identify CP when SP and gain percentage are available.

The above equation takes the values to the other side and finds CP.


Find the selling price when the cost price = 56.25 and the gain percentage = 20.


SP = 120% of 56.25

= (120/100)* 56.25

= 67.50