Time and Work Ratios Examples

In this class, We discuss Time and Work Ratios Examples.

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The reader should have prior knowledge of time and work formulae. Click Here.

Example 1:

A is twice as good a workman as B. A and B together finish a piece of work in 18 days.

In how many days will A alone can finish the work?


A’s work: B’s work = 2: 1

A and B together can finish the work in 18 days.

(A + B). ‘s one day of work is 1/18.

A’s work in one day is 1/18 * 2/3. Because the ratio of their works is given 2: 1

A’s one day work 1/27.

A can finish the work in 27 days.

Example 2:

A can finish a job in 12 days. B is 60 percent more efficient than A.

How many days can B alone do the work?


Work efficiency A and B are 100: 160 = 5: 8

Understand ratio, total 13 parts. Five parts of the work are done by A, and eight are done by B.

Work efficiency and time are inversely proportional to the formulae.

5: 8 = x: 12

x = (5 * 12)/8.

x = 7 1/2 days

Example 3:

A and B undertake to do a piece of work for rupees 600.

A can do it in 6 days, and B alone can do it in 8 days.

With the help of C, they can finish in 3 days. Find the share of each.


(A + B + C) complete in 3 days.

(A + B + C)’s one day’s work is 1/3

C’s one-day work is 1/3 – (1/6 + 1/8).

= 1/24

A’s work: B’s work: C’s work = 1/6: 1/8: 1/24

A: B: C = 4: 3: 1

A’s share = 600 * 4/8 = 300

B’s share = 600 * 3/8 = 225

C’s share = 600 * 1/8 = 75