Front and Back End in Compiler

In this class, We discuss Front and Back End in Compiler.

For Complete YouTube Video: Click Here

The reader should have prior knowledge of the phases of the compiler. Click Here.

The concept is straightforward. Students will understand an essential point in the java language with this concept.

The below diagram shows the front and back ends of compiler phases.

Front End:

The phases lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, and intermediate code generation comes under the front end.

The front end is also called the analysis phase.

We send the symbol table and intermediate code to the code generator.

Back End:

The code generator and code Optimizer phases come under the bank end.

We call the back end the synthesis part.


When we discussed java, we said java is a platform-independent language.

We can compile the java program in any system.

After compilation, java generates a byte code. The byte code is our intermediate code generated in the front end.

We can bring the byte code and give it as input to the java virtual machine.

The JVM will convert the byte code into machine-understandable code.

With this, JAVA becomes platform-independent.