How to Study Theory of Computation TOC

In this class, We discuss How to Study the Theory of Computation TOC.

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The subject completely deals with thinking the logic if there is no memory device.

How do Computations change with the evolution of memory devices?

The subject starts with how to write logic if we do not have a memory device.

How to think logic if we have a stack memory device

How to write logic if we have a tape memory device.

Whatever experience we have previously in c language and data structures is completely different.

The logical thinking we will place on this subject is completely different.

The reader should have a lot of practice and multiple examples needed for better understanding.

The first twenty classes are very important to understand.

The first twenty classes deal with how to write logic if there is no memory device.

The first concepts are Deterministic and Non Deterministic finite automata.

If you understand these two concepts remaining subject depends on these two concepts.

The reader has to focus on these first two concepts.

Practice is very important to grab the concepts of the theory of computation.