Moore Machine to Mealy Machine
In this class, We discuss Moore Machine to Mealy Machine.
For Complete YouTube Video: Click Here
The reader should have prior knowledge of the mealy and Moore machine. Click Here.
The below diagram shows the Moore machine.

First step: We write the transition table to the transition diagram.
The below diagram shows the transition table for the Moore machine

Now we write a transition table for the mealy machine.
Check the Moore machine transition table.
On state q0, if we see the input symbol 0, we move to state q2.
The state q2 is displaying the output b.
So we write transition in the mealy machine as shown below.
On state q0, if we see the input symbol 0, we display b and move to state q2.
Similarly, we write for all the transitions.
Take one more transition.
Check the Moore machine. On state q0, if we see the input symbol one, we move to state q1.
The state q1 will display output b.
We write the same in the mealy machine on transition.
On state q0, if we see input symbol one, we display b and move to state q1.
The diagram shown below is the complete transition table for the mealy machine.

Example 2:
The below diagram shows the Moore machine.

The below diagram shows the transition table for the Moore machine.

The below diagram shows the transition table for the mealy machine.