3 Points before Starting C Programming

In this video, We discuss 3 Points before Starting C Programming.

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C programming is the first subject you will study in computer science.

This subject will help you a lot in understanding the remaining subjects.

Watch the complete playlist on how to study computer science.

You will understand how C programming will help you to understand the remaining subjects.

Before studying C programming, you first study the Number system in Digital Logic Design.

The concepts covered in the first 25 videos in Digital Logic Design are

Decimal to Binary

Binary Addition and Subtraction

Binary Multiplication.

How are negative numbers stored in binary?

After completing the Number system, start studying C programming.

The below visualization will help the reader.

Any programming language will take input from the keyboard.

The input is saved in memory.

We apply some logic, take the required output, and display it on the monitor.

The first visualization the reader should have is how data is read from the keyboard.

How is data displayed on the monitor?

The first session in our C programming playlist explains how data is read and displayed.

1) The concepts that cover the first session are

1) Printf

2) Scanf

3) Operators.

How different types of data are read?

With these points in mind, start studying the concepts.

The concepts will be easy to understand.

Start thinking in the direction of how different types of data are read and displayed.

Different Types of Data





2) Logic Construction

If else


Ninety per cent of the logic construction is done using if-else and loops.

At this stage, one should have more practice.

Practice multiple examples of constructing the logic.

Our content will provide different examples, Assignments, and practice tests to improve your logic construction capability.

The practice made at this session will help to understand the next session.

3) Memory

The data read from the keyboard should be saved in memory.






The above concepts deal with how data is stored in memory.

Here one should have graphical visualization of memory.

How is data stored in memory?

How is data accessed from memory?

Our content and explanation will provide a graphical visualization of memory.

The concept of functions explains how a Program is stored in memory.

How code is executed, step by step, is understood here.

Our content will help you to have a graphical intuition of the entire computer science.

The first subject one should start with is C Programming.