is Theory of Computation Important to Study
In this video, We discuss whether is Theory of Computation Important to Study.
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Theory of computation:
Is the subject theory of computation important to study?
The answer is Yes.
Most of the students will not study the Theory of computation in depth.
This subject is very, very important to study. Why?
In this video, we will understand why the Theory of computation is important to study.
The below diagram shows what we discussed in previous videos.

The first subject a computer science student study is C Programming.
After completing C Programming, we move to Data Structures to improve our coding knowledge.
These two subjects are one package.
Similarly, we study Digital logic design and computer organization to understand hardware.
Hardware is the second package.
With an understanding of hardware, students had skills in machine instruction execution in processors.
With an understanding of coding, students had the skill of high-level programming language.
In the third part, students must understand the conversion of high-level programming to the machine level.
To understand, we study the Theory of computation and compiler design.
Compiler design subject deals with the conversion of a high-level language to the machine level.
The basics of understanding compiler design are in the Theory of computation.
The Theory of computation subject deals with how computations evolved with the evolution of memory devices.
The Theory of computation will help improve logical thinking to design solutions to problems.
This subject helps in improving coding skills.
1) Higher studies
2) Product development
One wants to go for higher studies; more weight for the Theory of computation subject.
In all competitive exams theory of computation is important.
In product development, companies’ Theory of computation concepts helps sometimes.