Harmonic Mean Given Frequency Distribution
In this class, We discuss Harmonic Mean Given Frequency Distribution.
For Complete YouTube Video: Click Here
The reader should have prior knowledge of harmonic mean. Click Here.
Example 1:
The below table shows the frequency distribution.
The distribution shows the continuous values.
In arithmetic mean, we find the mid-value for continuous data.
Similarly, we find the mid-value for harmonic mean in continuous data.
The below table shows the mid-value and fi/xi values for the distribution.
Harmonic Mean = N/((f1/x1)+(f2/x2)+ . . (fn/xn)).
Why f1/x1?
x1 is having frequency f1 times. So we write f1/x1.
N = 129.
HM = 129/(0.4+0.5+. . .+0.225)
HM = 46.486