Infosys Placement Papers
In this article, we provide some of the Infosys questions previously asked.
Infosys gives five pseudocode questions. The time allotted is ten minutes.
These questions help the students to get an idea about the Infosys questions.
Simply, learning these questions will not help the students to crack the placement exams.
These previous questions are for reference to understand the level of subject Infosys will touch.
Complete campus placement training should be taken to solve the Infosys placement questions.
To take complete campus placement for free with multiple practice tests Click Here.
How to prepare for campus placement? Click Here.
Points to understand before you check the Infosys placement questions:
1) All the questions are covering the basics of data structures and simple programming language understanding.
2) Questions are concentrate on how much knowledge students have on basics.
3) Every year they ask different questions. But finally, test the student’s knowledge of basics.
Our placement training program concentrates on improving the student’s knowledge of the basics.
Go with our placement training program you can crack any placement exam.

Answer: Make next of new node as head and prev as NULL

Answer: O(n^2)

Answer: It displays the LCM of 2 and 4

Answer: 6

Answer: 84

Answer: 47

Answer: The time complexity of the code snippet is improved to O(log(N))