IPv4 Address Space
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In this class, we will try to understand IPv4 Address Space.
We have already covered the basic concepts of IPv4 in our previous class.
IPv4 Address Space
An IPv4 address space is the total number of addresses used by the protocol.
The total number of IP addresses that are possible is 2^32 = 4294967296.
The image below shows the possibility of IP addresses.

The problem with these kinds of addresses is they are very difficult to remember.
To address this difficulty there are three different notations IP addresses.
- Binary Notation
- Dotted Decimal Notation
- Hexadecimal Notation
Consider the following 32-bit binary IP Address below.
The above notation is the binary notation.
For convenience and better readability divide the IP address into four 8-bit groups.
10000000 00000011 00001100 00011111
In the dotted-decimal representation, the corresponding decimal number is considered separated by a dot.
The above binary IP address will be converted into dotted decimal notation as shown below.
128 . 3 . 12 . 31
Similarly, the hexadecimal value for each group of binary numbers is considered in the hexadecimal notation.
80 03 0C 1F