do While Loop in Java

In this class, We discuss do While Loop in Java.

The reader should have prior knowledge of the while loop. Click Here.

From the while loop class, we know three steps are required for a loop.

1) Initialize a variable.

2) Condition required for a loop.

3) Update the variable.

Similarly, do while loop also needs the same three conditions.

First, We understand the execution of the do-while loop.

At the end of this class, we will discuss the difference between a while and a do-while loop.


The below diagram shows the code.

The variable i is initialized to 1.

The body of the loop started with the keyword “do.”

At the end of the body, we have while conditioning.

In the do-while loop first body is executed then the condition check happens.

Point to Understand: Even condition fails, the loop body executes once.

The difference between while and do while loop.

If we need to execute the body atleast once, then we use the do-while loop.