Unary Operators in Java

In this class, We discuss Unary Operators in Java.

The reader should have prior knowledge of arithmetic and logical operators. Click Here.

1) Postfix ++ and —

2) Prefix ++, –, -, ~, !





We write the ++ operator after the variable a. We call postfix increment.

First, the value of a is assigned then a is incremented.

The first display statement output is 5.

The second display statement will output 6.

Example 2:

a=5 b=6 c

c= a++ + b

System.out.println(c) will display 11

System.out.println(a) will display 6

Similarly, a– will decrement the value, i.e., a=a-1

Prefix increment

First, increment the value, then assign the value.

a=5 b=6 c

c= ++a + b

System.out.println(c) will display 12

System.out.println(a) will display 6

Unary Minus:

a= -2

The minus sign shown before two will give a negative 2.

Example 3:

a = 20 b = 10 c

c = -a + b

-a will take value -20.

System.out.println(c) will display -10.

Bitwise complement:

a=5, b

b = ~a;

System.out.println(b) will output -6.

5 in binary 000101

the bitwise complement will change the bit values from 1 to 0 and vice versa.

~a = 111010 is equal to -6 using a twos-complement representation.

Logical Not!

boolean x = true;

System.out.println(!x) will output false.