Understanding Interfaces in Java

In this class, We discuss Understanding Interfaces in Java.

The reader should have prior knowledge of abstract classes and methods. Click Here.


An interface is a fully abstract class.

The interface contains abstract methods and static constants.


interface A


int p=20;

void m1();


Class B implements A


public void m1()


System.out.println(“m1 method implemented in B”);



class test


public static void main(String args[])


B ob = new B();




The Java compiler will convert void m1(); to public abstract void m1(); because A is an interface.

Similarly, int p = 20 is converted to public static final int p = 20;

The compiler adds the extra code.

To inherit the interface, we use the keyword “implements”.

Suppose a class implements an interface. Then all the methods should be implemented.

Interfaces can have static methods.


interface A


int p=20;

public static void staticmethod()


System.out.println(“static method”);


void m1();


Class B implements A


public void m1()



System.out.println(“m1 method implemented in B”);



class test


public static void main(String args[])


B ob = new B();




Inheritance for interfaces

interface A


int p=20;

void m1();


interface B extends A


void m2();


Class C implements B


public void m1()


System.out.println(“m1 method implemented in B”);


public void m2()


System.out.println(“m2 method”);



class test


public static void main(String args[])


C ob = new C();




Yes, inheritance is applied for interfaces.