Important CPU Scheduling Terminology

In this class, we will try to understand Important CPU Scheduling Terminology.

In our previous class, we had already explained CPU Scheduling.

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Important CPU Scheduling Terminology

To understand the scheduling algorithms, we need to understand some Important CPU Scheduling Terminology.

The terminology to understand are 

  1. Arrival Time [AT]
  2. Burst Time [BT]
  3. Completion Time [CT]
  4. Turn Around Time [TAT]
  5. Waiting Time [WT]
  6. Response Time [RT]

Arrival Time[AT]

Arrival time is the time at which the process arrives at the CPU.

Arrival time is the point in time when the process arrives at the CPU.

Burst Time [BT]

The amount of time required for the execution of the process is called burst time.

For example, if the Burst time is eight, the process will take eight units to complete its execution.

All the times mentioned here are unit times means the time unit may be in seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds.

Burst Time is a period.

Completion Time [CT]

Completion time is the time at which the process completes its execution.

Completion time is also a point in time.

For example, if the completion time is 20, the process has completed its execution at the 20th unit.

Turn Around Time [TAT]

Turn Around Time is the difference between Completion Time and Arrival Time.

Turn Around Time is the total time the process is in the system from arrival to completion. It is the combination of the time the process is in the ready state and running state.

Waiting Time [WT]

Waiting Time the difference between the Turn Around Time and Burst Time.

Waiting Time is the time spent by the process in the ready state.

Response Time [RT]

A process’s response time is when any process gets the CPU resources allocated after entering the ready queue.

Response time is the point in time.