Combinations Examples on Fruits

In this class, We discuss Combinations Examples on Fruits.

The reader should have prior knowledge of combinations formulae. Click here.


Twelve different fruits are available.

Six fruits in basket one and six fruits in basket 2.

The selection of eight fruits has to be done.

1) At least three from basket 1.

The required possibilities are shown below.

Three are from basket one, and five are from basket 2.

Four are from basket one, and four are from basket 2.

Five are from basket one and three from basket 2.

Six are from basket one and two from basket 2.

Total = 6c3 * 6c5 + 6c4 * 6c4 + 6c5 * 6c3 + 6c6 * 6c2

2) At most three from basket 1.

The required possibilities are shown below.

Two are from basket one, and six are from basket 2.

Three are from basket one, and five are from basket 2.

Total = 6c2 * 6c6 + 6c3 * 6c5