Arithmetic and Comparison Operators in Python

In this class, we discuss arithmetic and comparison operators in python.

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Arithmetic Operators in Python

Arithmetic operators are those used to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

Let’s take examples and understand the list of arithmetic operators present.

x=8 and y =5 are two variables considered in our example.

Addition: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol +

print(x+y) will display 13.

Subtraction: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol –

print(x-y) will display 3.

Multiplication: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol *

print(x*y) will display 40.

Division: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol /

print(x/y) will display 1.6.

Modulus: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol %. Modulus gives the reminder value after performing division.

print(x%y) will display 3.

Floor Division: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol //. floor division will consider the integer part after performing division.

print(x//y) will display 1.

Power: is an arithmetic operator performed with the symbol **.

print(x**y) will display 32768.

Comparison operators

Greater than: is a comparison operator performed with the symbol >.

Whenever a comparison is done. if the comparison is correct it will return true. otherwise false.

Comparison operators are returning Boolean type values which we already discussed in our previous class.

print(x>y) will display True.

Less Than: is a comparison operator performed with the symbol <.

print(x<y) will display False.

Equal to is a comparison operator performed with the symbol ==.

print(x==y) will display False.

Not Equal to: is a comparison operator performed with the symbol !=.

print(x!=y) will display True.

Greater than or equal to: is a comparison operator performed with the symbol >=.

print(x>=y) will display True.

Less than or equal to: is a comparison operator performed with the symbol <=.

print(x<=y) will display False.