List With in the List in Python

In this class, we discuss list with in the list in python.

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List with in the List

To understand the concept of a list with in the list, Reader should have a basic understanding of list data type. Click here.

As we discussed list previously, a list is a collection of compound data types.

Placing a list in the list is possible because the list is a collection of compound data types.

Let’s take examples, and understand how to define a list and access-list within the list.


In the above example, the first element is of type string.

The second element is of type list.

When we display the above list.

print(a) will show [“C”,[“java”,”is”,”a”,”programming”,”language”],”python”,”is”,”programming”,”language”]

Display first index position element.

Print(a[1]) will display [“java”,”is”,”a”,”programming”,”language”].

The entire list is written in Index position one and considered as an element.

Access elements list within the list



print(a[1][0]) will display java.

In the above print statement, we defined a[1][0]. It means in the first index position. We have a list.

In that list, the zero index position element should be displayed.

Similarly, we can define any number of levels we needed. List within the list within the list.



In the above example, we have three levels of nested lists.

To access the elements present in the nested list. We use square brackets, as shown above.

print(a[1][5][3]) will display programming.

How to take the list from the user input?

 n=int(input("enter the number of elements in the list"))
 for i in range(0,n):
     print("enter the element {}".format(i+1))
 print(" the entered list is",a)

The above program shows how to take elements from the user input and create a list.

In this program, we made an empty list.

We are taking the number of elements.

For loop executes for n times.

Each time take an element from the user and append it to the list.

How to take the list within the list from the user input?

 n=int(input("enter the number of elements in the list"))
 for i in range(0,n):
     print("enter your name and id")
 print(" the entered list is",a)

From the above program, we are taking the user name and identification number.

Each time it loops. We are taking details and placing them on a list.

The details list is appended to another list.

This is one of the ways we create a list with in the list from the user input.

How is memory assigned to the list? We discuss this in our next class