Examples on Nested Loops Python

In this class, we do practice examples on nested loops in python.

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Examples of Nested Loops

Before going into practice, First, we should have basics on nested loop. Click here.

Q1) Display numbers from 0 to 999. Display in 3 digit format with a tab space between each digit.

0 is displayed as 0 0 0.

1 is displayed as 0 0 1.

This example will help you to get a good understanding of nested loops.

Examples on Nested Loops1
Program 1

From the above program with i =0, The loop with the j variable executes ten times.

For j =0, the loop with the k variable executes ten times.

For j = 1, the loop with the k variable executes ten times. So on.

The above program execution continues.

The output displayed is shown below.

Examples on Nested Loops2
Output 1

The output continue up to 9 9 9.

Q2) same as Q1. Stop displaying numbers divisible by 5.

Examples on Nested Loops3
Program 2

From the above program, the logic is similar to Q1.

To check number is divisible by 5. the condition is written in the if statement.

If k equal to 5 or k equal to 0. The number is divisible by 5.

With this logic, we skip that loop iteration.

Continue statement is used to skip a loop iteration.

The output displayed by the above program is shown below.

Examples on Nested Loops4
Output 2

The output continue up to 9 9 9.